Friday, September 27, 2013

Hi All,

We had a great week, and the excitement is building for our trip to Astro Camp.  Many of the students asked about the packing list, and although it was sent home before I sent another copy home with everyone today.  So, if you are wondering what to pack, ask your child for the list!  Another question I've been asked a lot over the past few days is about sleeping bags.  The kids will be sleeping on beds, but we request that they bring a sleeping bag and pillow rather that a blanket and sheets.  It is a lot easier for the kids to throw a sleeping bag on a bed as opposed to regular bedding.  Thanks for your help in this matter.  Finally, we will be leaving on Wednesday morning soon after the buses arrive.  Please make sure you and your child are there by 8:00.  We do not recommend any student taking the bus that morning since they will have a lot of gear with them, and most students like their parents to see them off.

This week the kids also received their login IDs and passwords for  They can access the Student Reference Book, the study links (homework), and a multitude of other resources including games to strengthen skills.  The ID card is glued into their homework planner right next to the book report dates.  This website is a fantastic resource for the students.  Check it out!  There will be a math test on Unit 2 on Tuesday, so if they want to go over any material they can go to the website.

Other than that, all is moving along at lightening speed.  Today I was marveling at the patience, generosity and kindness of this group with their book buddies.  The kindergarteners in Florita's class look forward with anticipation to our arrival each Friday.  This group is very special in the way they have taken responsibility for their little friends.  It is truly wonderful to see.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Hi Room 14 Families,

We are off and running....the beginning of each new week feels like the start of a new adventure.  These kids really keep me on my toes.

This week we will not have any new spelling or vocabulary words.  We are finishing up our unit on Taking A Stand, and tying up some loose ends.  Your kids have a grammar packet to complete by Friday in preparation for the unit assessment, also on Friday.  They also have their extra math packets which will be due on Friday as well.  Having these long term assignments is a great opportunity for them to practice some time management skills.  You might want to check in with your child to make sure they are not keeping everything until the last minute.  If they did, Thursday evening could end up a nightmare!

Your kids also received their Social Studies books, and we began to learn about how geography affects the life of individuals.  We are learning about the different Native American cultures and comparing climate, homes, food, tools, etc. If you could make a trip to the Southwest Museum within the next couple of weeks, it would really connect to their learning.

Finally, we are in the final stages of preparing for Astro Camp.  Please make sure all your forms have been turned in.  If your child has any special health concerns, please send me a note or e-mail.  I know you put it on their health forms, but I like to connect personally on these issues.

That's all for now...all I can say it Tally Ho!!!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Welcome To Our New Blog!

Hi Room 14 Families,

Welcome to our new blog spot.  I will try my hardest to keep this updated, but this is new for please be patient.  Your students have been working very hard already...many of you saw the fruits of their labor at Back to School Night.  If you weren't able to make it, feel free to stop by and check out or classroom.

Right now, we are finishing up our unit: Taking A Stand.  We have been thinking, reading, writing and creating all about this theme.  If you want to extend their learning, you might discuss how you have taken a stand, or about people you look up to who have taken a stand in some way.  This unit has been fun and has also allowed me to see some really deep thinking on the part of your kids.

We have started mixing:  Life Science with me, Physical Science with Brandon, and Earth Science with Margot.  I recently took a trip to the California Science Center to see the Endeavor. Although it was my third time seeing it, it was just as interesting as the first time.  If you are looking for a great day out, and a way to connect to our Earth Science curriculum, you might want to check it out too.

Everyday Math has been both challenging and fun for most of the kids.  I will try to get you your online pass to the Student Reference Book by next week so that you and your kids can go online when there is a misunderstanding.  In addition, this week, I sent out extra math packets tailored to challenge your student at their math level.  The kids have two weeks to complete these packets.

Upcoming field trips:

Astro Camp:  Oct. 2-4
Griffith Observatory:  Oct. 23

Next Book Report:  Historical Fiction, book due in class:  Oct. 16

Well, I guess that it it!  I will try to post projects on this blog, but as far as daily homework is concerned, your child has their planner, and we have worked really hard on keeping them complete and up to date. This helps them take responsibility for their own homework.